Edge of Dawn

A gate with two wings that is impossible for onlookers to enter or leave; the Edge of Dawn, where day and night coexist. Only epics reside there; for the living are neither dead nor alive.

Raise your head and gaze up! There, on the scarlet edge of dawn, is that grand star where legends are written.

Even though it’s bards who tell the tales, and it is the heroes who act them out, the places where they were born are where the stories’ origins lie.

The arena of HotDA, the cradle of epics, is also called the Edge of Dawn. The Edge is a three-lane legacy. In HotDA, maps are called legacies. With other legacies who are her siblings, the Edge drifts through the void.


In our base map, the primary goal is to destroy the enemy Scriptium. Defending each Scriptium there are several Obelisks and Fonts; each structure must be destroyed in sequence (one cannot skip straight to the Scriptium). After the obelisks have been destroyed, the fonts defend the Nexus. They attack in power waves and pulse every 2 second. Destroying them will allow their respective lane to spawn super minions, powerful beings that can crush ordinary minions and even heroes with ease.

The game consists of five summoners on each team, who are pitted against each other to destroy the enemy Scriptium and win. 


  • Three lanes to fight their way to the enemy base.
  • A jungle populated by neutral monsters of varying degrees of toughness, the toughest of which provide buffs and/or gold for your whole team.
  • A map dividing river that lies in neutral territory, allowing for quick travel between lanes.
  • Two bases at each side of the map.
  • Shop can be opened from anyplace in the map only if player is not in combat.
  • There are 2 bosses in the map in the opposite sides. Spawns on different timers.