Monolith of Duality

Take a close look at that foreboding obelisk. It stands tall, as a threat to all legacies…

This obelisk is my anchor, my manhood, says Gallusar.

I stabbed it into both night and day; I stuck it to both the land and the epic.

My obelisk, which pierces both light and dark, stands at the Edge of Dawn, turning black against white.  He splits the stories down the middle and drinks the blood-soaked melody of the conflict.

I erected this tower to instill enmity in the hearts of the Heroes. I buried it deep in order for them to overcome their foes, steal their honor, crush them, and quiet their songs. Those who stand up among them may triumph, while those who bend down may be crushed…

In this land, the word bears the seal of truth, let him be the legend who conquers the word. May the night enslave the day-born and the day-born triumph over the night.

May the legacies fight until they are exhausted, let the heroes cast swords on each other without falter. Let victory come if this tower stands tall, and defeat if it breaks and bends…

When there are no more words to be said in the end, when the folk songs are burned and finished, my upright, long, thick tower will be left standing…  Sunk deep into the Edge of Dawn.

Thus boasts, the old demon. Deprived of his own narrative, the jealous savage seeks refuge in the epics of others. He is the epic’s thief and the bard’s jailor. He was born from my own stories and haunted me first.

He stole my heart full of songs and imprisoned me in the land of duality. But I too have tricked him;

My heart beats in the womb of the tower. It gazes both the night and the day, both enemy and friend.

Legends are written in duality… Whether night prevails or day triumphs, this tower is doomed to collapse. Every time his proud obelisk is broken, Gallusar groans bitterly. Because if he hides in darkness, it is the light, and if he hides in the light, then it is the shadows that pierce him deep.

Proud Gallusar you have but an obelisk erect in this land, sooner or later it will be destroyed, sooner or later your tyranny will end. But until then let the pain of the vanquished fill your heart… feel the conquest in every fight, feel the defeat; feel both the deterioration and the destruction for eternity until the dawn.